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Pushing Yourself into New Realms

Hello my little demons! How is your Halloween month?

Now that you’re here, with Demon Julie, it just got better! Why? Because I have a Halloween treat for you. Yes. A dark, delicious delight.

When I set up Killers And Demons, I was writing dark crime, thus ‘Killers’. My vision was to branch into horror, thus ‘Demons’. Well, I am thrilled to announce that it has happened sooner than expected. Sometimes in life, when something presents itself, you just need to dig your claws into it and go for it. When I saw a particular call for submissions for a horror anthology, something tingled in my gut. My whole body clenched with excitement. I didn’t know if I was ready, I didn’t know if I could do it, but I knew I had to try. And, my little demons, failure is not doing something and getting a less than desired outcome. Failure is not trying at all.

So – I thrust my entire being into writing the darkest piece of fiction that has ever come out of me (I think, but some might say my dark crime is just as evil). For days on end I thought of nothing else as my creation formed itself from somewhere within me. I would wake up in the night thinking about it. I would get up early and plunge myself into it. Day after day, I was filled with turmoil in creating the best horror story I could for the particular anthology. If I didn’t try, and I mean – if I didn’t try at 200% (or more), then I’d be a disappointed demon – in myself.

Once I released it, I let it go. I thought about it a lot. I allowed myself to think about it and to dream of being in the anthology. But I also moved my focus into my other work and the universe take the story where it was meant to go.

When I found out that my story was indeed to belong in this anthology, I don’t think I even believed it at first. I think I read the email over and over until I realized – yes – my story made it.

After reading the other stories in the book, I am honoured to be part of this amazing creation. And, I am here to tell you that you should TREAT YOURSELF to a copy now! It is a truly indulgent Halloween treat for you. After all, why should the kids have all the fun?

To get your pre-order in, and have your very own copy dropped your way on Oct 19, check out all the juicy details here:

To join in the celebration with me, Demon Julie, on Oct 19, RSVP to the to the invitation to a truly horrifying celebration that will be sure to chill your bones. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to ask Daniel Willcocks, a modern horror king, your questions about his creation. You might even get your spine prickled with a creepy reading by Demon Julie. Bring a cocktail, and raise your glass to pushing limits and doing things that simultaneously terrify and excite!

The next time your nerves tingle, your pores bleed sweat, and your stomach clenches in response to something you REALLY want to do, but you have a mound of self-doubt over, think of Demon Julie taking a deep breath and plunging into a new world of story telling. If I can do it, so can you. Take a deep breath and do it (and then come back here and share your story in the comments)!!!

Lots of love from Demon Julie xxxooo

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